SBT-70 help

Hey guys I found a SBT-70 in a box of modding parts lol and was wondering what driver is out today that I can use ? I can run anything from 1-2 26650 or 1-2 18650 ? Thanks for the help

If I remember correctly…you have to put a lot of juice through those to get good output.

Yea I think your right (10a)

SBT-70 is a ~3V emitter. Your best bet is to use a high drain cell and a FET driver. You could also use a high output buck driver with multiple cells. Richard sells his MTN-MAX buck drivers at Mountain Electronics. But, that’s a US-based shop. I don’t know what the shipping will be to you, but those drivers are already pricey. A LED4Power LD-2 or LD-3 would also handle it nicely if you get it set up for 12A out. For more/better info, talk to Dale (DBCustom). He not only has done numerous flashlight mods and builds, but he is a fan of the SBT-70.

Thank you, I did order the LD-3 to try because that’s the only 12a driver I found so far

Any of the FET drivers floating around can do well over 12A. But the LD-3 is an awesome driver. It performs like a FET driver with the regulation of a linear driver and is PWM-less, so efficiency is top-of-the-line.