A while back I swapped my sc31 pro with a 519a mpcb + op reflector from an FC11 but recently read that it’s got the chance of frying the emitter, so now I’m searching for a replacement.
I want something with a bit more throw to make it a better light for outdoor use, without sacrificing too much cri, and I ended up looking at the SFT20, SFT-40, and XHP50.3.
Are any other lesser known emitters that I’m overlooking before I make a decision? Thanks for any help.
I’d imagine the SFT-40 would make a good replacement, as it basically has the characteristics of a dedomed SST-40. That means more throw, and less tint shift too.
If you can get your hands on one of the elusive high-CRI SFT-40 variants, that might give you just what you want. A low-CRI 5000K variant could still yield a visually pleasing result, though.
Kaidomain has the SFT40 5000k in stock. The bin should be pretty good. For what it’s worth, I have a 5000k from Hank and it has excellent tint. I’m guessing they’re the same bin.
I put 519As in my 2 SC31pros long ago and they are fine also with turbo, but I use 18650Bs and 18650GAs. Only with higher current batteries there might be an issue when using turbo.