Scammers De-light

Sounds like nonsense to me, like those who think “energized water” and wrist magnets “increase energy” and “improve circulation.” But the more technical stuff like this sounds, the more people get intrigued and taken in by it.

Lol. How did you even find this? Only has 37 views.

Wait, are you telling me that heat increases blood flow? Has anyone called CNN? It’s so crazy it just might work.

I wonder if cold could be used in some way to create an opposite effect?

For the non-English speakers and those of you who don’t get sarcasm, that was sarcasm.

That may be, but remember that putting a rubber band on your wrist protects against lighting strikes, and I sure don’t have to explain how fool proof a bed sheet is against monsters.

About 20 years ago there was some craze about putting magnets on your carburetor to supposedly increase gas mileage. They associated some legitimate technical term with it—I think magnetohydrodynamics—and people bought them up faster than pet rocks.

Actually, the reasoning in this video is not too bad (as usual with scams), chemical processes speed up at higher temperatures, biological processes are a bit different because over 40 degC they are damaged. So there is a temperature window of 3degC in which you can speed up things, or a larger window in your extremities because it is often not 37degC there. And most body cells are quite transparant to infrared light, so it can penetrate through the outer layer of the skin to the tiny veins in the skin (but not deeper). Problem is a bit that (I used to do research with 1064nm lasers on red blood cells ) red blood cells do not absorb any noticable (like warming up) laser energy at any laser powers that do not cause severe burns. I can tell because I used to apply 200mW of laser power focussed on single red blood cells without blowing them up, it goes straight through. So you can generally heat up outside tissue by lasers, and that might be advantageous for recovery (personally I would use a cosy warm jumper for that, or a hot shower), any extra benefit of using lasers to speed up recovery processes is b*lll.

Did anyone notice the laser’s wavelength kept changing in the video?