SCENARIO: Apocalypse has befallen the earth, what do you do?

First of all you are making empty presumptions when presuming that I dont know all these things.

Im not guilty that few of you are so touchy when there is mention of this issue.
Alas, even New York mayor day or two ago called presidantial candidates to address gun control issue. Is he than offensive too? My oppinion is that people who in the midst of all what is happening (to the outside viewer that’s pure craziness, but I understand you can be used to it) in USA are not for more strict gun control - are simply backward.

One local columnist wrote great article about all this on sunday (based on example of all the media hype around recent, in fact totally insignificant, Empire State Building incident). I mean, you dont see it because you live with it and in it. But this discussion right here is PERFECT example. There is talk about solar flares messing things up, mobile phones etc, and discussion turn to guns and violence. And as this commentator said, this culture of violence (wich you export in large quantities abroad via movies but also in other less “funny” ways - while in the same time claiming to be some supreme democracy and trying to organize and control every other way of life) is coming back to you like a boomerang. Maybe I see it too well, so to me those who dont see it seem bling. Well maybe not blind, just shortsighted.

(And of course you cant compare Switzerland and USA, totally different countries.)

Don’t hold back mate, say what you think…… It’s not all like the Hostel movie lol

Let Goran rest in his own irony.

As for this turning to guns etc, if the stuff NutNfancy made popular happens (WROL, SHTF) then personal security would have to be a top priority.

Here’s the info if you are interested in it Estimated number of civilian guns per capita by country - Wikipedia , and if you ar open to discusision about facts.
Practically twice as much as next few countries is not so small difference (and about ten times more than average).
I can understand thats “normal” for USA, but its not “normal” for very, very large part of the rest of the world.

And why wouldnt helping people in need be top priority? I mean, I simply wonder.

Its interesting how people, for instance, when watching TV news or even some movie (maybe movie of catastrophy for example), strongly judge negative characters and condemn them, while in the same time have strong inclinations of the same kind (but dont see them)

Thats even better if all you have to say is based on prejudices and not facts, and also if yu dont read what is written with understanding or with will to understand.

And so I “terrorise the forum” :o just because I noticed anbd mentioned this thing about guns in USA. (and its commn knowledge, at least outsied USA, that USA has big problem with gund and violence and large prison population)

And if you notice and mention that Chinese are copying every damn thing in existence :smiley: (wich is also common knowledge, but significant difference though is that Chinese are not claiming in every other occasion that they are most inovative country in the world!!), that wouldnt be “terrorising the whole forum”.

Because you can mention something about China that is not so good, and you cant do the same about USA. Am I correct? If I am, I would like that clearly stated in forum rules, than I will follow them or simply leave the forum.
Because otherwise Im really and sincerely confused… I can mention something about this country, and cant mention something else about other country. And mind you its nothing derrogatory per se.

PS: And if you doubt Im Swiss citizen, thats fine, I dont doubt you are American ciizen, nor I doubt some previous commenters are US citizens

Oh dear, what next? :smiley:

I like to think I'm a good person but if "sh1t really did hit the fan", I would drop a quarter in a shopping cart and go shopping for supplies with my AR15. "Look Lady, this bullet with your name on it says that's my last can of Spam."

Joking aside, it's survival of the fittest at that point. I wouldn't be the last man standing but I won't be the first to go either. Those hours & hours invested in zombie/end of the world movies should come in handy until I become zombie dinner. Getting out of the city would be the primary objective for the best chance of survival. Ok just got geeked out there! I'm out.

Find me .

We'll have a beer .

the best thing to do is panic …

is a world without flashlights and microwaves really worth living in ?? i think not . how did people ever live without that stuff anyway ?

edc would u mind sharing the adress so i know a way to get there :bigsmile: atleast i’ll have some friends to fight the zombie.

oh 3d incan flashlight + a kero lantern or petrol lantern forsure if emp takes use out, most likely a 1 eyed alien giant cyclops robot will be frying us if we dont have lasers to blind them !!

This x10. If I can’t see my way at night or heat up leftovers then what is the point of living?

Find the national park south of Stroud in NSW. When you get to the checkpoint use the password "BLF" and you will be let in

I now know where I'm going!

Seems we don’t have to wait for the big event, just got to bring up guns!

Guys, in all truthfullness gun controls don’t work. Here in Australia we have some of the toughest and tightest laws yet there are guns out there, guns a plenty in the hands of the criminal element, and as such if all turns to hell who are the only ones trotting about with guns- the ones who won’t be asking ya to borrow your generator, have some of ya fresh food there thanks and well shucks, your daughters looking mighty fine there as well……

If things go to poo, give it a week max, with no water, food running out, loss of civil law and control, dog eat dog rules coming in to play- you’ll be surprised what you’d to do feed and protect your family. Pray it doesn’t happen (which is a joke because according to religion it is the Lord that brings this show on) but if it ever does, just hope your one of the extras that gets it early in the movie. I wouldn’t want to be around for the end.

Unfortunately I agree with you. I'm not afraid of the zombies its the bad people with guns who scare me.

Looks like two camps are forming up here...

In one corner we have those who, once any crisis hits, are heading to the big outlet stores to stock gunpoint if needed. I know the bullet/spam thing was tongue in cheek, but that mentality does exist.

In the other corner, we have folks like goram who don't believe in catastrophes and/or are perfectly content to put their fate in the hands of the government...because they know best.

I've had the privilege (or misfortune) of having thought both ways at much earlier points in my life. I've realized both are bad choices. Need proof? Look at history...Wiemar Germany, Argentina, Bosnia, London riots, or for those in the US - New Orleans Katrina.

What happened to those folks who's thought strategy fell in one of the two camps above? Let's see..

Those who's plan was to take what they needed at gunpoint did least for awhile. See, it doesn't take long for the word to get out that there are raiders/looters/lone-wolf types about. Communities have, and will, band together to stop it. Look at the LA riots post Rodney King... It took a collective group of Hmong shopowners armed with SKS's protecting their property to stop the rioting by shooting the rioters. Similar fates were handed out to looters after Katrina, including bad cops (this didn't make much national news...)

Speaking of Katrina, let's look at those who don't believe bad things will happen and/or don't plan for them. The government comes in (eventually) and these people get crowded into FEMA camps while loosing any semblance of freedom they had. Stories from those aren't good...and any rational person would not choose this. And if the disaster is large enough (i.e. economic/pandemic), then even the government won't have the capabilities and most likely will cease to exist in regions.

In any disaster, security is becomes a very real issue. In every society there exist elements of the population who will prey on others the moment the opportunity arises. Having a means to effectively prevent victimization is vital. I think one of the saddest stories to come out of the London riots was the immediate increase in purchases of baseball bats from because the British government left their population no other choice.

So what's the solution?

- Prepare. Have lots of food/water/supplies on hand. Better yet, know how to grow your own food. Form a good survival skill set (how to fix your own stuff for example). Have good security (yes, this means guns and ammo, until something more effective comes along). Build community - Know your neighbors and be willing to help out - it's easier to feed your neighbor than it is to shoot them (thanks Jack Spirko).

TL;DR summery -

- I'm with JacktheClipper on this one....Stop on by, I'll have a beer waiting for you

First thing you would need are weapons to protect your stuff…or else seriously people will just take all your supplies and its all for nothing.

In Japan people scoured the rubble for valuables...

they took them to the police station and community centers so those who had lost them could get them back . in Japan you have a 99% chance of having something lost returned to you ( like your wallet and the cash ). Selfishness and greed don't need to dominate our attitudes . their thinking is very selfless would you feel if you lost something ?? So just treat them how you would like to be treated . Hardship ought to bring us all together ,not seperate us .

If we are expecting flashlights or guns to save us we are all absolutely lost .

There is no way to survive cataclysmic ...Do you have 3 underground swimming pools full of fresh water ?? Me neither.

I won't shoot your children for food ...ever

what kind of beer do you have ?

cold .