First of all you are making empty presumptions when presuming that I dont know all these things.
Im not guilty that few of you are so touchy when there is mention of this issue.
Alas, even New York mayor day or two ago called presidantial candidates to address gun control issue. Is he than offensive too? My oppinion is that people who in the midst of all what is happening (to the outside viewer that’s pure craziness, but I understand you can be used to it) in USA are not for more strict gun control - are simply backward.
One local columnist wrote great article about all this on sunday (based on example of all the media hype around recent, in fact totally insignificant, Empire State Building incident). I mean, you dont see it because you live with it and in it. But this discussion right here is PERFECT example. There is talk about solar flares messing things up, mobile phones etc, and discussion turn to guns and violence. And as this commentator said, this culture of violence (wich you export in large quantities abroad via movies but also in other less “funny” ways - while in the same time claiming to be some supreme democracy and trying to organize and control every other way of life) is coming back to you like a boomerang. Maybe I see it too well, so to me those who dont see it seem bling. Well maybe not blind, just shortsighted.
(And of course you cant compare Switzerland and USA, totally different countries.)