Search not working at all

Whenever I do a search I get articles from five years ago even though the result happened yesterday.

Try searching for Manker and you will get five yeal old posts.

Change Sort by to “Latest Post”

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You can also search for Manker l l = Lower-case L and it will display the latest

I see it but that is strange that it shows you the oldest posts first by default.

It basically uses a weighted ranking algorithm to sort search results by “Relevancy”, taking into account things like the number of posts in the thread, views, and number of times thanked. In this particular case I agree the default sorting by “Relevancy” for Manker results isn’t particularly helpful. But otherwise it could also return a lot of noise, for example if someone today posted “I have a lot of Manker and Trustfire lights in my collection” and somebody else said “Wurkkos and Manker have been producing lots of new models lately” those would be the top results, which isn’t particularly relevant.

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I wonder why Simon’s Convoy thread doesn’t come up in the 1st results when searching for “convoy”, it has by far the most replies, thanks (2.5K lol) and views.
( edit : it’s in 29th place)

Interesting. If I had to guess I’d say it’s probably due to the 【】 ASCII characters in the title with no spaces around them, to the search algorithm it’s as if it was written ZConvoyZ .

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