Hey guys anyone have a bad sleep cycle? I haven't been on here for a while, but I recently got a 3D printer and haven't touched flashlights as much, although I am still into LEDs. I am not sure if it belongs on DIY.
There was a red light thread here, and this one is related to SAD lights. I read this https://circadiaware.github.io/VLiDACMel-entrainment-therapy-non24/SleepNon24VLiDACMel.html and it suggest using a Luminette, there is also the PEGASI. Both of these are expensive and I am sure I/we can make or modify something to be similar if not better.
Pegasi uses blue and green light, while the Luminette uses white light. I searched "0nm" on that page and found the suggested wavelengths.
- more optimal blue light peaks at 479nm, the theoretically optimal wavelength for ipRGC cells stimulation, while reducing risks of blue light phototoxicity that ranges at least from 400 to 480nm (more towards 400nm and much less towards 480nm).
- stick with allowing 3 light intensities, from 500lux to 1500lux, as 500 lux is sufficient for most circadian rhythm disorders, but higher intensities and longer exposure may be necessary for older individuals to pass through the cristallin more obscured with age. More is likely useless for most individuals as it will produce too much side effects, and lower is no better than computer screens (which often emit 100-250lux at max brightness).
The idea is to use a device (phone) that can meaure lux then use a cheap form of LED to replicate it. I am going to use the USB LEDs with a battery pack then measure the light it outputs. Any amazon listing saying they have 100,000 lux that doesn't indicate the distance can't be trusted, you must measure the distance, but it isn't that different from a 6500k bulb either.
I looked at the datasheet for everyone’s favorite RGB light strip: WS2812B and although not optimal, it’ll work! Might even be able to use the red too.