Seeking info about programming STC12C2052 with EN25T80

So, I want to program a STC12C2052 chip with a EN25T80 USB programmer. (The STC12C2052 is part of a kit I bought but hasn’t arrived yet)

So I guess I need an IDE (C/C?) that knows how to compile for the STC12C2052, and a programmer that can speak with the EN25T80.
The EN25T80 USB programmer is this: - the cheapest I could find that supports the STC12C2052. Win7/64 can’t find a driver for it (but at least the red LED on the board lights up).

Where do I go from here?
(and did I buy the wrong programmer?)

Okay, found a driver and a programmer here: (direct:!162&authkey=!AHpEgNkAVXtqmGU)

The programmer doesn’t show the STC12C2052 chip, but I don’t have the chip itself so I can’t really test it.

What IDE should I use?
Can AVR Studio be used? I don’t think it supports STC chips.

Interesting thread.



You most definitely can not use AVRStudio to compile a program for this thing. It’s an 8051… Kind of…
Here’s an English datasheet for it. - Informationen zum Thema ebookbrowse.

Why on earth do you want to use this microcontroller? There are hundreds to choose from with much better support.
Microchip PIC
Atmel AVR (ATTiny, ATMega, and ATXMega)
Renesas RL78
SILabs C8051s
BOLD are my favorites

If you’re dead set on using it, you can use IAR Compiler IAR is a very good compiler, and they offer free demo versions. You can choose the time limited (30 day) demo which is full featured, or you can choose the unlimited time demo which restricts the size of the code you can compile (4K Bytes). Select the Intel 8052AH as the target (Per the STC12 Datasheet).

You can also use KEIL PK51 which is also a very well respected compiler. An evaluation version of KEIL is also available. C51 Version 9.61 Evaluation Software Request Here is the necessary header file for the STC12C2052

Good luck.


As I said, this chip is included in a kit I purchased that looked simple and I thought would be nice to start microchip programming with.
I didn’t know it had poor support, I’ll use AVRs and PICs in the future.

Since I don’t really need a complete IDE, do you know of any gcc/gdb like tools I could use? (with chip simulation for debugging, I guess…)

You’re wasting your time flogging that dead horse. I’d say start out with an Arduino.

SDCC should be able to compile for the Intel 8052AH target. I’ve never used gcc (sdcc) for 8051, so I have no idea if simulation tools are available and if they are, how good they are.


Now all that’s left to do is wait for the kit to arrive and start banging my head at the wall… err… programming. :slight_smile:

Using that chip, I fixed your statement for you.


But I’m still optimistic about it. :slight_smile:

I think I’d rather pound my head against the wall than have that microcontroller be my first uC learning experience… But that’s just me. I wish you the best of luck with it. When you’re done banging your head, grab a PIC or AVR demo board or, as texas says, an arduino.
