Selectively removing anodizing?

I have stripped a light using Greased Lightning and pretty pleased with the results. Now I want to do it to another flashlight, but I still want to be able to lockout the tailcap.

How can I “mask” the tail threads to protect them from the GL and keep the anodizing untouched?


Parrafin wax?


Just paint it, and once the ano removal is done use acetone to remove the paint. :wink:

Would that work? I might try stripping some ano myself…

I tested it few times, works like a charm!

Latex paint? Oil based?


Well, I’m not paint expert, but I guess you should use the one that doesn’t dissolve in water.
The paint function is just “seal” the anodizing so the NaOH can’t attack that area.

Anyway, since my experiments were done with actual NaOH and not a comercial solution (which may include some other cleaning agents that may attack and disolve the paint) I would recomend you to test it first in an unloved flashlight body.
