Shadow GF1 New 18650 and 16340 Lights

Very interesting lights, copied and pasted from Shoudian so there’s going to be some bad English

GF1 main features:

  1. consistent silo integrated structure, to ensure the best heat dissipation structure
    cylinder head multi-channel heatsink cooling effect
  2. 2-segment structure, Flashlight and tube tail one piece, cylinder head Flashlight by the the aluminum rod underrun made
  3. using side dimming side button is responsible for switching and dimming function.
    circuit stalls: high - medium - low - exposure flash, hidden mode [exposure flash
  4. circuit with low voltage reminder, to remind the user to prevent over-discharge of the battery.
  5. circuit physical anti reverse function
    7.GF1 of volume and light weight portable
    GF1 - 16340 version: head 25.2MM length 78MM, weight 61 g
    GF1-18650 Version: head 25.2MM, length 111MM, weight 74 g

Are you planning on stocking them?

Yes I will be carrying the Shadow line as well as the JM07x :wink:

Any clue about the price?

No concrete prices have been set. I should know soon

So many nice lights, so little money…… :~

Do these ship with both bodies ?

:smiley: awesome looking light, I’m interested

Detailed info is sketchy right now. Should have more info by Monday

dos anyone own this light yet? I’d be willing to give it a go. Need a pocketable EDC and love the UI and side clickie.

So true… :frowning:

Anyone bag one of these sexy thangs yet? Eager to hear real world experience.

I have a thing for convertible multicell designs so this is very intriguing. 18650 for runtime or 16340 for compact size should be quite useful.

yes any updates. i like that gf1

Jake referenced making room for these in a fire sale thread. Maybe soon…

I´m also waiting for a review…

Thinking of buying the Sunwayman C20C, but cheapest is HKequipment at $64 with $5 BLF discount, quite a difference compared to $37…

$59 at Dinodirect doesn´t count as they don´t know when they can deliver it….

I have one,its my EDC most days since she arrived.Mine didnt ship with both options,but it is available.I went 18650 route for mine.Have to say,i did think i was getting both options in the box[add wasnt clear realy or i miss read,which says the adds not clear i thinks…whatever].The lights a cracker.I like it very much.Would be unfair to say what i paid and who from on another dealers thread,so i wont.Everyone thats seen it,always comment on how kewl it is and how much light it gives off.I havent reviewed a light and dont want to start realy.I havent the kit,time or experiance.Shadow products i think are that little bit diffrent and i like that aspect.I have a few now and they have all impressed me.