I’ve been hooked on mixing and legoing up a few lights lately. Anyone have experience with the Shadow TC750X, it’ll take the single cell TC350 tube. I’m thinking of using a pair of 18350’s for a 2x2amp edc. Before I buy either anyone have any tail readings or experience with these? Thanks.
I am sorry but I don't have any of those lights. And seems like no one else has them both either.
It would likely work just fine depending on how had you’re driving the emitter. I’m certain that the switch can handle 2A since it’s used in a 2X 18650 configuration already. Are you going to use regular LiCo 18350s or IMR 18350?
I’m planning on using IMR’s but would like to hear from anyone who actually has the light. I’ve seen a few high power 1600 lumen xm-l’s draw only an amp and no where near the claimed output. A short dual xm-l’s at a real 2 amps each sounds great, if it is really 2 amps each.
Just to be clear, no single xm-l to date will see 1600 lumen, once all the losses come into play, figure a best of 750 lumen or so. Most triples struggle to see a real 1600lumen as they are driven so conservatively and/or lack decent heat sinking.
Hope this helps.
I understand the limitations of the led’s and the lack of limitations from the chinese marketing. If the Shadow TC750 really delivers 2 amps to each led then thats what I want to lego with a shorter tube and a pair of 18350’s.
I was really interested in the shadow TC750X, and 1200L sounds reasonable. But correct me if I’m wrong, this thing steps down in high mode after 3 minutes by 50%. WTF? So it’s really a 600L light with 2 emitters? Or maybe I’ve missed something….