I would of never expected so much care for the packaging of a couple of 14500's. Usually they're in pastel colored boxes or plastic cases in envelopes. All those foam pieces too! :-)
That’s impressive.
Ordered 8 batteries for my GT from BG and received them loose in a grey (not even bubble)bag. Opened the bag and counted only 7 batteries and a minute tear. But then it was too late.
Yet I wish the lucky finder lots of luck.
They are okay. Every battery I receive gets the capacity test (charge-discharge-charge).
Yes, that may take some time. But then I don’t have to be worried.
No idea. Another user from the EU said they ship to his. But when I go to the Shockli AE store, it says they don’t ship to mine. I also asked Simon if I can expect any change in the future, but he didn’t respond.
It must be something related to local laws.
Ex, check the international store from MTN (USA), and the restrictions for shipping batteries: http://www.international.mtnelectronics.com/ .
It is not China related, but maybe Bulgaria related.
Yeah interesting that Bulgaria, Italy and Germany is on that list too. Maybe fire problems. Well at least they don’t have to deal with the shipping paranoia. :sunglasses:
Thanks for the link. It’s very weird as I can order batteries from nkon.nl for example. Hopefully they stock them soon.
Anyway it’s not a big deal, I have my Vapcell Golds, it’s just as every flashaholic I want the latest and greatest technology, even though in reality I’m almost certainly not gonna be able to see the difference