I am pretty new to the flashlight modding game. Tonight I built up two lights:
Convoy C8, mtnelectronics FET+1 driver, XP-L V6 3D,spring bypass driver and switch.
Brinyte B158, BLF A6 FET+1 from gearbest, XP-L HI V2 5A2, no spring bypasses.
At 5m, I measured 1520 lux for the C8, and 3200lux for the B158.
If my math is correct, that is 38kcd for the C8 and 80kcd for the B158.
Both had fresh 30Q batteries.
Should I be disappointed, especially with the B158? I was expecting double that output from it.
Or is it more likely that there is something else going on, like a measurement error? My lux meter is very cheap and I don’t have a ton of experience with it or measuring other lights to compare to so far.
Edit: Updated numbers
I am not going to post Amp readings yet, because I have not modified a meter to use short heavy gauge wire, so I believe my current current readings are not reliable.
But I did buy a new Lux meter, an HS1010A. I also checked Lux readings with my phone. Results:
At 5.04m distance:
Convoy C8, mtnelectronics FET+1 driver, XP-L V6 3D,spring bypass driver and switch.
Multimeter with built in light meter: 1520 lux (38kcd) (–26%)
HS1010A: 2050 lux (52kcd)
Phone: 2220 lux (56kcd) (+8%)
Brinyte B158, BLF A6 FET+1 from gearbest, XP-L HI V2 5A2, no spring bypasses.
Multimeter with built in light meter: 3200 lux (80kcd) (–50% !)
HS1010A: 6360 lux (162kcd)
Phone: 7100 lux (180kcd) (+12%)
Are 52kcd and 162kcd more believable for the lights with the listed mods?