Side switch host modded to momentary only?

Has anyone seen a side switch host that can be modded to a momentary only side switch? I don’t have any side switch lights except for a few maglites.

My plan is to mod a host to use a Lflex driver and they need a momentary only switch, no clicking or latching. The stock mag switch can be modded but I’m looking for something smaller to build.

Please help! I’ll post build pics! :slight_smile:

There are quite a few side switch lights and many of them have room in that switch area, but I think it's more of finding a switch that fits the light, rather than a light that fits the switch.

Also, many side switches can be made into momentary only, by taking the guts out (the plastic posts) and filing/sanding all the detents off them, so they are smooth. That way they are just momentary.

I was thinking of doing the latter. Modifying the stock switch, removing the guts etc.

My hope was that someone on here had seen the inside of some of the newer budget side switch lights and could recommend one that could be modified. I don’t want to order a bunch of examples just to find one that works…

Also, many side switches can be made into momentary only, by taking the guts out (the plastic posts) and filing/sanding all the detents off them, so they are smooth. That way they are just momentary.


+1, though I bet you can do it w/o filing and just leaving one part out when reassembling?

the only side switch lights I have disassembled have a switch just like a tail switch (internally) but they have longer tabs on the sides…

+1, though I bet you can do it w/o filing and just leaving one part out when reassembling? the only side switch lights I have disassembled have a switch just like a tail switch (internally) but they have longer tabs on the sides…
Depends on how it affects the OAL of the post set up. It might leave it too short without both in there. Can’t be sure unless I go look at it.

Any thoughts on this one?

You could also try to put a capacitor in series, that would be the easiest method…

Does anyone have any experience or thoughts on these lights?