That’s pretty cool. Nice video. Can’t believe that 1500lumen olight wasn’t visible from 18 miles away lol. Olight is gonna refute that I bet
Dt8 w2 looks brighter than the d4Sv2 w2 on camera
Olight i5t is 300 lumens and 1500 candela.
Interesting the i3t at 150lumen 900 candela worked. Wonder if that one passed due coincidence from angle since tube light. Also i5t might have passed fine if it was being used up on mountain vs light polluted lower ground.
Matt, you always come up with fun stuff to watch.
Wonder how long till some of these shots will join you in YouTube adds for the next 100K Lm Zoomy wonder light. Only $49.99 if you buy in the next 10m.
All the Best,
Yes, I’m expecting Ethan’s face to be a prominent feature in low budget marketing by weeks end.
Good video that answers what many have wondered about. Thanks.
Oh my mistake. 330 lumens.
Turns out every flashlight ever made will throw 18 miles lol. As long as there’s no other lights nearby.
Great test! Seriously, what an eye opener on the ability for small lights to signal (versus illuminate) for relatively great distances.
One thing that might’ve been useful is to have the guy on the mountain top use binoculars to help pinpoint the source, then switch to naked eye and see if the light could be spotted then. Another useful thing would’ve been for the guy on the mountain top to shine his light at the rocky structures on the mountain… to see if the guys 18 miles away can see the flashlight doing local illumination at source.
seems like the main problem would be the exact pointing and looking direction
at 18 miles, even a 2 degree beam is pretty diffused and dim
if it was a laser and not pointed exactly right, it might be completely invisible[even if it could reach the moon, which is not that hard]
if it was some floody thing, it would be easy to be ‘in the pattern’ ie hit the target, but too spread out and dim to see
This is a truly excellent video. So much more informative than the standard backyard tests, or absolutely foolish point to a wall or ceiling tests.
The only way to improve it would be to mount each light on a tripod as to make each test equal.
Well done. Really enjoyed it. I hope others follow in your footsteps.
This is probably where people would want your average flashaholic to be doing beamshots .
No no I can still see it … go even further away !
If this is ever done again. It would be interesting to see if something like the LT1 lantern would show at 18 miles.
Also the idea of lighting up something on the mountain with the big boys would be interesting. Maybe a 4x4 white poster board too?
Again, this is a great informative video.
All the Best,
I like the idea of using a poster board. I wonder in the case of a super bright flooder if shining onto the mountain would make you more visible vs just pointing the light the cameras direction.