Significant others EDC Gear... ( 4 Fun )

Ladies & Gentlemen, you too Gords.

We all love our lights & gadgets. But the upside of being associated with freaks like us? We all have awesome extra gear!!! So lets see the gear you’ve equipped your significant other, relative, or just anyone who gets your hand me downs. For instance. Mrs. D’s outfit started with a Sipik 68 & a Little gold Stanley multi-tool I received with a tape measure. She has since then graduated up to the Leatherman Kick & the Maratac CR123. The looks she gets pulling these things out of her purse is priceless.

The Leatherman Kick

Maratac Copper CR123

What do you hand down??


I gave my wife a Glock 17, Glock 26, SW Shield, and two 501B’s. One XP-G2 3A, and one XML T6 4C 4amp.

I suppose I should give her a knife :stuck_out_tongue:

Alas my can’t carry such things daily in her profession.

My wife purse carries when she can :stuck_out_tongue:

THe guns are not EDC for her at work, but she always has a light in her purse. I work in an AF base, so I can’t EDC firearms either…… :_(

If I gave my wife all of that, I’d get myself a good pair of binoculars so I could see her coming! :bigsmile:

Mine also has the Maratac copper CR123, plus a few other permanently or temporarily.

And a good hiding place.

Bueller? Bueller?