I’ve ordered a mt-g2 to mod a sipik sk-98 but expect to receive the mtg-2 is boring and i have built a sipik sk-98 3 xm-l
the leds come in series I have set it in paralel
I have use one samsumg inr 18650 20r with very low internal resistance, with the battery fullchargued is easy to get too much current, now are direct drived but I want use one nanjg 105 with many 7135 for limit the current
the flood is nice
Hmm good idea, why not buy a bunch of 650nm red laser modules and stick them together in a triple configuration and drill 3 holes in the pill, stick in them in and wire them parallel off a 18650 in a SK98
Nice build! The throw beam(s) is fun! It might be more interesting to have parallel beams. But now they are diverging.
The predator pictures are funny!