Sipik SK98 runtime?


Just purchased a SK98 zoomie for fun. It has 3 mode High/Low/Strobe. Anyone know the runtime for High and Low? Thanks.

Depends on what battery you’re using.
My Sipick SK-68 use 0,14W at high with 1x AA eneloop, which results in >12h.

maybe if you can test how much current the light draws with a multimeter?
with those numbers maybe we can give a rough estimate?

There are more clones/copies than “100 percent authentic original” SK98s.
What did you buy and where did you buy it?
Did it come with a battery and a battery charger? What’s written on the battery and on the charger?

my guess is about 40 minutes on high and 4 hours on low

But yeah it absolutely depends what battery you’re using …with any trash batteries .it’s probably 1/2 the runtime or worse.
this is one good reason to neve use ultrafire / trustire /or any cheap chinese cells .

Just depends on how many amps the light draws and how much capacity the battery has.

But it draws less as the battery goes down, too.

Bought from eBay with the stupid fake cree.

Oh, ok, I got one off ebay alost 2 years ago. I actually like it. Is the emitter fake? Mine seems ok.

I just used my $5-10 Harbor freight multimeter to check it, and it was pulling a bit over 1.1 amps on high, and a bit over 0.4 amps on low. The battery was about 3.85 V, so a little low, so maybe 1.75A (2A?) on high with a higher quality, fully charged battery.

A 2000 milli amp hour (mah) battery is supposed to be 2 amps for an hour, so I should get over an hour on high. Although, with a hollow pill, I wouldn’t recommend that…… But I use it on a trail and have a backup anyway. Nice light.

Yea, I opened it to check. It’s something lettabright or whatever the brand is.

That doesn’t sound good, how does it work?

It works okay. Not sure how long the emitter gonna last tho. And it’s more bluish than the cree. I think there is a long thread about fake cree here somewhere.

I haven’t done much with flashlights recently, I’ll have to see if I can find the thread. Too bad they’re doing that, but I can’t say I’m surprised. Suppose you could drop a better emitter in there.

With that lattice whatever? I give it 2 hours max with reducing lumens after 1 hour

I guess high is50minutes,;low is 3hours