In the mood to do a bit of real world battery testing with a Sipik SK68 (one mode). This SK68 has Sipik listed on one side and CREE on the other. It is my original and my primiary EDC pack light. I’ve done two batteries today:
Trustfire 14500 900mah- 1 hour 20 minutes and then went out. Stayed bright until going out.
CVS alkaline AA- 4 hours 15 minutes. Dimmed over the course of the test but stayed bright for more than 2 1/2 hours. Was still on but very dim when I terminated the test (had to leave). Still usable light but very low.
I’d like to test some of my Ebay **fire lights tomorrow.
Tried a GTL 1600mah (cheap Ebay battery). Made sure it was fully charged. Started out nice a bright but quickly began getting dimmer. Terminated test at 50 minutes as it was far too dim to be useful. Not surprised now that I’m more familiar with the quality of various li-ions.
Starting test with an Energizer 2100mah rechargeable. I do trust this battery as it is the same type I carry in my Taser. I’ve gone a year and a half on a freshly charged set of 8 without recharging and it’s still fired strong in training multiple times. I’ll recharge now perhaps every six months to keep it topped off, but really not needed. I spark test it on a regular basis as well for a 5-second cycle. According to stats, on full charge should provide 100 five-second cycles and people have an issue when they charge them far too often.
Will be interesting to see how this battery performs in the Sipik test.
I’m interested in the results of your test of the 2100 mah energizer. I’ve just ordered a similar “sipik” and plan to use it with eneloops so similar capacity. It’s possible that the driver’s in your light and the one I ordered are different but it should give me an idea of what to expect. Is yours a single mode or 3 mode light?
Correction: I noticed your first post advising that it is single mode.
The energizer 2100mah is a an AA battery, how many does the taser use?
Your review of batteries is the kind I like haha, no in depth graphs that make little to no sense to me. Just straight to the point, the battery lasted X amount of time and did X good. Amp draw and volts =/= real life perception of light output!
Thanks folks. I ran the Energizer test yesterday, however I went out to pick up wings for the game and when I got back the light was out so I’m not sure how long it lasted. I want to say 3+ hours however I’ll run it again and post the results. Also I’ve got Eneloops arriving today or tomorrow and I’m going to run those through as well and post the results. For grins I will also test HFT Thunderbolt alkalines, Lowe’s Utilitech alkalines and dollar stores Sunbeam alkalines.
Bright for the first 33 minutes then started to dim. By the 3+ hour mark it was down to ‘firefly’ mode where, like above, you could probably see in your glove box okay but you’re not going to go walk the dog at this level of brightness.
My wife got us 20 of those “no purchase necessary” coupons…after 4 days of loading the family up…filled an entire drawer out in our garage freezer with AA and AAA batts
and I got 12 of those red HF multimeter, 8~ of those little blue work lights, and 5 of those tarps
crazy coupon lady FTW!
Now if I can just keep the daggum kids from snagging a pack of batteries and having em strewn to hells 1/2 acre…that would be nice
Continuous run time: 1 hour 45 minutes. Same as the Eneloop, bright for over an hour and then dimmed to an estimated 6 lumens as compared with my little ROV mini-led which is 6 lumens.
Walgreen’s alkaline store brand. Stayed bright for perhaps 3 1/2 hours and continued on till 5 1/2 hours with dim but useable light. Had to terminate the test at this point but was very surprised at the total run time.
First time I can think of using the Walgreen brand but was kinda surprised at how long they lasted. I did note the package said they were made in the U.S.
Those Walgreen batteries are excellent compared to my own tests with HF and Energizer which lasted 3hrs 21min and 3hrs 53 min resp. I like those HF batteries. They have good run times and are cheap, especially when on sale or with the 20% off coupon. :bigsmile: