after I posted that the light with glued thread is not too hard to open I got a tip that chadvone had a tube laying around that fits,
he said its most likely a BLF A6 18350 tube so I ordered it,
P.S. BUT I received the S1 tube for the his mod.
So watch out that you dont get the wrong delivered the S1 tube is 37mm long and threads are 1mm longer as well
But there are some minor differences to make the tube fit to the Skilhunt perfectly.
The result is a very light but powerful headlamp.
I cut later the upper headband off and attached the band so that the whole silicone back sticks to my forehead.
I use an Efest protected 18350 900mAh battery its a very tight fit the diameter and lengh are the max what would fit.
With an Panasonic 18650B and magnet.
I also got the AR glas from my Jetbeam Jet-1 MK in it or maybe a microtextured lens from pflexpro user.
106g with 3 strap headband magnet removed,
97.55g headband just the horizontal band
and cut the silicone holder for the 3. band should remove weight even more.
After screwing the BLF tube on the skilhunt light I noticed that the A6 has a lot longer tubes to screw in,
so I had to move the orings in front of their normal position.
But unfortionally the BLF tube is 0,3mm thicker as the Skilhunt and their orings are larger.
I tried to get the skilhunt orings on the BLF tube, but it was not enough to make it fit,
they were squezzed out a bit.
So I decided to get the tube where the orings have to be thinner in diameter.
Used first a dremel to get the anodisation off
and then used very carefuly a metal saw to get it about 0.5-0.7mm less in diameter.