Skyray replacement switch??

Hi I am new to this forum because I’m looking for some help. I have a knock off skyray “Kung” with 7x LEDs. I was messing around inside and ended up breaking one of the wires going to the switch so I attempted to resolder some thicker wire in there and some how one of the pins from the tactile broke and now the switch is unusable. Any suggestions on where I can find and switch would be appreciated!

You can get a new tact switch on ebay. Just look for a picture that matches the switch you have.
Or you can get one mounted on a board from

Welcome to BLF! :bigsmile:

Wow that was quick! Thank you so much!!! Just wondering while I have to replace it anyway, any illuminated ones I can drop in?

Did your skyray “Kung” originally have an illuminated button or at least have a clear button that would allow a light to shine through?

No it did not, it was just a metal button

No drop in replacement illuminated buttons. You would have to create it yourself. You could drill out the center of the button then use clear epoxy to make a clear window in the button.


You can replace this illuminated switch:

But this requires a bit of work. I used the old switch PCB.

Very nice MadMar!

I just ordered the drop in replacement switch, looks like a lot of trouble just for an illuminated switch. Thanks for the help guys!