Small DC below 5 volt fans

OK ordered a small PC fan rated at 12V zeros points something amps
It works directly connected to a 18650 cell at 4,01-4,2V
At 4V it needs a little push.
So I need something that is rated for lower voltages for a SRK thing I am thinking about.
I found a few but they are $70+ a piece
Anybody knows about where (preferable China) I can order at normal price?
The flatter the better
Thanks in advance.

You can get 5v computer fans. All sizes… From 15x15 to 140x140

They start about 3 volt some even with less

They are cheap

Search for “mb40100v2-000u-a99” :wink:

Yeah if the UB5U3-500 of Sunon was a bit lower in price that would be ideal with its 30x30x*3*mm
But I can only find it for about $20 without shipping.

Think am gonna order these:

7mm thick fans
they are cheap so I cant mess some up during the modding and not be in need of a new order.

$20? :smiley:
It’s 1.99€ here in germany…

Yeah that is a 40 40 10
I am referring to a 30 30 3

those 30x30x7 seem a nice compromise. Edit no 12V
I ordered 2 5V 40x40x10 fans
Smaller (thinner!) Would be better but these were the smallest I could find.

Here’s a 60mm 5 volt fan for $3.79 free shipping

40mm is about max that would fit
Ordered two 40 40 10 5V fans to play with and send a vendor with lots of fans the question if he can sell 40x40x7 or 30x30x7 fans
a bit cheaper.
But… 9500rpm - that thing will be loud as hell.

A couple of years ago I ordered some 2510 12V fans from Fasttech. What I got was 2510 5V. I let them know and they resent.
The second time I recieved 12V, but they were in bags with the same part #

Curious, so I hooked up 1 of each in series (same current) and the voltage drop across each was the same!
Then I hooked 1 of each in parallel (same voltage) and the current going through each was the same.

I think they are the same fan. LOL

And so it goes with ordering online………

Haha thanks
Will check if the 40 40 10 can fit first.

ha got a reply and a link
2 for $5, friendly price.