small Review: Uniquefire UF-T8

I ordered @ fasttech (and throw the Charger and Battery directly away…) :smiley:

delivered in a maybe used package :frowning:

Color and finish looks nice - no chips!

the Threads are dry as the desert but well cut

Plastic Lens with scratches and dusty reflector :frowning:
but it is deeper than normal C8 :wink:

LED is nice centered and placed with Fujik-like whatsoever

Pic from Bulliman (TLF)

original Driver with 17 mm

sorry for the bad “Beamshots”

Distance to the ceiling 1,5m

UF-T8 (right one) at high compared to LedLenser P7.2 (with new Batteries should be 250lm)

UF-T8 @ low

additional :

  • the Pill was kinda loose - had to use aluminium foil to get thermal contact
  • Modes: High - Mid - Low - Strobe - SOS with Memory did not satisfy
  • in the meantime i switched to a kaidomain 7135-3A driver without disco :slight_smile:

this light was my first China-bomb…
throws quite nice - i will make outdoor shots asap

Pictures not showing. I think you should use flickr or photobucket as host.

ooops - I see them?

I will rework when I am at home (some hours)

Try logout from the Taschenlampen forum and you will not see the pictures. This can be a good review with a lot of pictures. Thanks for your effort.

does it work now for you guys?

pictures work! Thanks for the review, I looks like a nice light, and easy to improve.

Nice! But the price is quite high with those battery and charger.

when I ordered I was not aware of the risks which comes with xxxfire products :frowning:

Nice review and nice looking light. I like the anti-roll feature in the tail cap. Thank you.

Are you a member at TLF too? It's a cool forum. I've lurked there a couple times for info on certain lights. I have to use a translator. So the conversations are some what hard to follow. My sense though, is that it's a pretty friendly forum with some very knowledgeable folks.


Yes - i am primary member of TLF (due to the language-related advantage ;))

if you need assistance to translate something fell free to contact me!