Smokey beamshots

Last week we had a fire come quite close to us. We weren’t in much danger but a few of the neighbours were asked to vacate. Anyway I had an idea to get some beamshots while it was smokey. I meant to keep the pics all the same size etc… but did half last week and half this week, so forgot exactly how I was editing the pics.

1504? I thought it is not for sale yet?

Doh! Sorry, my bad. Meant to be 1405.

Cool comparisons! Nothing better than a spot of smoke/fog and some throwy lights! Or better yet, some high power lasers! :bigsmile:

Nice shots. What reflector was in the TK61 as its beam profile looks almost as tight as the aspherics.

The tk61 is stock standard but it’s funny you ask this because I have another tk61 with different reflector. I need to set aside some time to take pictures and make comparisons.

That would be terrific if you could do that. I wonder if all the large KD? reflectors have that dull shine to them?