OK, so I’ve been eyeballing various Zebralight headlights for a long time now, and I think the H502W is just about the exact creature I’m looking for. The problem is, everywhere I look — even ZL’s website — shows the item as backordered. Yet there are reviews for them. How can this be?
Is this normal for ZL to introduce products that don’t quite make it into production?
The H502W is in production. At least as far as my inventory is concerned, I sold out over the holidays. Now just waiting for Zebra to make and ship more units.
i have 2 zebralights (h51w and sc600) and i love them both and concerning zebralight’s style to announce a flashlight today and then nothing for months and sometimes never (like Q50)…well, i find that interesting…on their site you can often see things like: - “out of stock”
“back order”
“pre order”
“not for sale” (whatever that means!)
“ships to US customers only”
actually, it is very rare that you can see “in stock” but all that adds a bit of exotic fell to those lights…i can’t wait to receive my new H600Wmk2 !!! :bigsmile: