scopin’ out the recently mentioned great led deals for the holidays when I came across this little ditty that is one of those “Special Buys” in
those cardboard stands they like to sprinkle around the place with Husky Tools and other sundry gee-gaws. Anyhow, I was gettin’ tired of my HTC Inspire cell running out of juice all the time on me so I bought it for $9.88. What the heck.
When I got home and gave it a quick recharge on the computer’s USB, well I’ll be dam*ed but the little runt actually worked. Recharged up fast too. But it was prolly pretty close to full-charge from the factory I figure. I told the cashier,….I’ll prolly be back to return this.
Charged up my HTC cell in about 5 minutes which was enough for some useful added talk-time. So I don’t know. I was skeptical but now I’m cautiously semi-skeptical. I mean this thing weighs practically nothing so ya kinda go………How can this possibly work well?
Anywho, when I went to recharge it back up again, it only took about 15 minutes till the green-good-to-go led came back on. Wow. Not bad for such a little runty thing outta of a USB. I’ll give it 2 weeks of more thrashing around to see if it doesn’t grenade on me. Btw, the ones at Home DeePoo were thankfully only in black. I try to avoid buying white plastic stuff ’cause they look like sh*t after 3 days.
I think the Italian-sounding guy sez he paid like $13 for one. We’re smarter shoppers here at BLF. We wait a whole year to save $3.00. H)
And btw, I walked outta Home DeePoo without any of those holiday torchie specials folks are tellin’ me to look for, ya know the two-pack 3-AAA dealies, the MagLite leddies at 1/2 off, etc. I stood there pondering the fact that I already had 62 of those Costco 200-lumen 3-AAA XPG Techlites on hand so that kinda sobered me up a tidge that maybe these twin-pak 3-AAA torchies were prolly overkill.
Btw, I put the Rayovac in my front cargo shorts pocket and I basically don’t even know it’s there. The perfect set-up would be to find a nice little pouch to hold it and any adapters to cover for instance, my wife’s Blackberry Mini-USB port. Her company still makes her use that ancient technology. :bigsmile:
My HTC Inspire which has a 1200 mAh battery discharged to about 10% remaining power. Plugged in the Rayovac and let her rip. I am pleased to announce that the Rayovac after 32 minutes of charging the HTC brought it back to about 40% capacity. Basically I have added almost 2 hours talk-time. The Rayovac got a little warm during the process, which according to Rayovac is normal. When it finished charging it shut off automatically. Obviously its lithium has a functioning protection circuitry.
IMO, so far this is quite impressive in my book for such a small, light, and cheap gizmo. For an emergency back-up that you can dangle off your keychain it’s quite the deal. And best of all, it works.
I’ll be doing this often to see how it performs as days go by and I’ll keep this updated. I’m prolly gonna buy at least a couple more for the wife and kids before they jack them up back up to $12.88 after the holidays. You prolly know my buying habits by now when I really like something.