I have been bitten by the flashlight bug! And the buying cheap things from China bug. I currently have 2 14500 flashlights and one XML 18650 flashlight and 2 AAA flashlights. All one mode. But I am ready to sink some more money into this hobby/addiction and I have been expanding my knowledge the past couple days due to my hand injury leading to no work. Anyways. I have always liked Jetbeams RRT line because of the control ring. I have always liked that system as opposed to having to cycle through a bunch of modes to get to you desired light level. So that is criteria for all lights.
Tell me what you think of my plan:
1. Get this: Link for general purpose, light duty stuff.
2. Then I need something bigger. I originally wanted: Link because it is one 18650 and kinda pocketable and two heads means a thrower and a flooder. But it seems to be sold out and who knows if it will return. Will it? Then I figured, might as well go big or go home. Anytime I need something more than #1 I will most likely be carrying around the flashlight anyways so size doesn’t matter, so that got me to thinking about something like a Black Shadow Darth. It has the control ring. Which is a must. And it is small for a 3 18650 flashlight. But some people say it isn’t THAT bright. So is there control ring flashlights out there that are brighter/better than the Darth? I know about the King but I really like the control ring idea. So that is a must. Any suggestions? Another questions I have is which is the brightest version of the Darth? I never understood tints and different styles of XML T6’s?? Cost must be below $100…cheaper the better :bigsmile:
3. This will be in the future but I also kinda want a big daddy thrower. Doesn’t matter about the amount of flood it has. I just want to put a small bit of light a FAR ways away. I will have #1 and #2 for “close” lighting. I really do not understand the dynamics of throw (head depth, head diameter….1 XML throws better than 3???, etc) but I think it would be cool to light something up that is a LONG ways away. Doesn’t matter if I can’t see 100 feet around it. My limited research shows that the Supbeam K40 and maybe X40 are good throwers? I need the most input on this but also it is least relavent because the purchase will be aways away.
So there is what I need help with, and these random questions:
1. Can I use a 14500 on the first flashlight I have linked?
2. Which sites are best to deal with? I have only bought from dx.com which has been good, free shipping, gift packacking = no customs no fees etc