So many options out there! Need help narrowing down!

I have been bitten by the flashlight bug! And the buying cheap things from China bug. I currently have 2 14500 flashlights and one XML 18650 flashlight and 2 AAA flashlights. All one mode. But I am ready to sink some more money into this hobby/addiction and I have been expanding my knowledge the past couple days due to my hand injury leading to no work. Anyways. I have always liked Jetbeams RRT line because of the control ring. I have always liked that system as opposed to having to cycle through a bunch of modes to get to you desired light level. So that is criteria for all lights.

Tell me what you think of my plan:

1. Get this: Link for general purpose, light duty stuff.

2. Then I need something bigger. I originally wanted: Link because it is one 18650 and kinda pocketable and two heads means a thrower and a flooder. But it seems to be sold out and who knows if it will return. Will it? Then I figured, might as well go big or go home. Anytime I need something more than #1 I will most likely be carrying around the flashlight anyways so size doesn’t matter, so that got me to thinking about something like a Black Shadow Darth. It has the control ring. Which is a must. And it is small for a 3 18650 flashlight. But some people say it isn’t THAT bright. So is there control ring flashlights out there that are brighter/better than the Darth? I know about the King but I really like the control ring idea. So that is a must. Any suggestions? Another questions I have is which is the brightest version of the Darth? I never understood tints and different styles of XML T6’s?? Cost must be below $100…cheaper the better :bigsmile:

3. This will be in the future but I also kinda want a big daddy thrower. Doesn’t matter about the amount of flood it has. I just want to put a small bit of light a FAR ways away. I will have #1 and #2 for “close” lighting. I really do not understand the dynamics of throw (head depth, head diameter….1 XML throws better than 3???, etc) but I think it would be cool to light something up that is a LONG ways away. Doesn’t matter if I can’t see 100 feet around it. My limited research shows that the Supbeam K40 and maybe X40 are good throwers? I need the most input on this but also it is least relavent because the purchase will be aways away.

So there is what I need help with, and these random questions:

1. Can I use a 14500 on the first flashlight I have linked?
2. Which sites are best to deal with? I have only bought from which has been good, free shipping, gift packacking = no customs no fees etc

For no holds barred throw, you can always build yourself a custom aspheric. I did with a camera lens macro ring and a cheap romisen. It can easily hang with any of the big boy throwers when it comes to long distance throw.

Haha wow! That is quite the extreme flashlight! I am looking for a little something different. With a control ring, and no work needed to be done haha

For under $100 I think the Darth is the only control ringed triple in the game. As for versions, the U2 should be a couple hundred lumen brighter than the NW version. My NW Darth puts 1450 lumens OTF. It is an uber quality light.

Yeah I was pretty much sold on it already, just gotta be certain that it is the best value. Hey while I am here Ill ask…whats the difference between U2 and NW? Does NW stand for natural white? Or is that just in my mind. The U2 seems to be the only option on Manafont eh? No way I can screw it up then :slight_smile:

Well I went ahead and bought a L3 K40…throwing should be covered. In the future I will buy a flooder. L3 X40 maybe?

JM, I have a problems or just bad luck with control rings. What are your feelings on said subject matter?