Soda Can style recomendations please

I bought a Sofirn Q8 to see what these soda can style lights are all about.I am blown away by the light I absolutely love all aspects of it.
So now I would like to try something even more powerful was looking at the Haikelite MT03 .
I saw the Haikelite Q30 at a much more budget friendly price.So now I am more confused than ever.
I am open to any and all suggestions from people who enjoy this style of light .Cheers Tony

Get the Haikelite MT03 TA.

It’s an excellent light with an even better updated UI to the Sofirn/BLF Q8.

Get it for 83,50$ with the coupon code AC18:

Choose the silvery light, and natural white LEDs.

You will not be dissapointed.