Just took apart my sog and noticed the pill was threaded to the body. Any ideas what kind of pill this is? ill try and get some measurements after work today.
But glad you did. I have one I have in a draw I was planning to play with. Keep us posted. Looks promising to mod.
Very glad. I found out it could be taken apart a while back but just found out right now about the threaded pill. My dad and a buddy have this same light and I bet they would be excited if i could make some drop ins for it!!
They have some new models out. If it is a single cell, you could probably get the 6 volt (2 cell) and put it in and run it on a RCR123A 3.7+ volts. Or do Like I plan and change out the led with a Nichia. I want a nice warm tint.
Aw man i know my wife will be excited when i get home and let her know i need more flashlight parts!!! But i can tell her that i can make my own pills instead of buying new flashlights, that should keep her convinced for a while. i have the two cell version. wish i could shove an 18650 in there but the tube is too small.
The driver retaining ring will be either press fit or threaded. Since it doesn’t have any holes I’d try pressing it against soft rubber, like the bottom of a shoe, and twisting.
Do you have a IMR AW 16340 cell?? It should fit and drive the one that 6 volt one. Take it apart and see if the pills are the same and can swap.
Nice lego that may turn out to be.
Yes it seems to be press fitted but didnt have anything around at work to try to get it off ill try that here in a bit after i eat and report back . Also another newb question how would i take measurements for the pill other than height and with. such as thread pitch
You will probably not find a “new” pill anywhere online, you are going to have to swap components out of the old one. I think your idea was it would kinda be like a P60 / hot swappable, but it won’t (unless you just happen to find a source of those pills I don’t know about)
I was just thinking about that. Maybe i can find a shop that can machine some for me or someone with a mill.
Sounds expensive when you already have the pill. It’s not like swapping this thing in and out makes sense: if you come up with a superior configuration you’ll likely stick with it.
any suggestions for a first few mods? As far as LEDs to try out?
the 3 main leds are the xp-g2, xm-l2, and the nichia 219B, all have areas where they excel, try reading this (and bookmark it too)
awesome thank you very much
Well the pcb and led off the T20 i swapped is an exact match and fit. Guess i know what ill be doing carefully at work tomorrow. if the t20 is rated at supposedly 1200 lumens on the t20 would it stay the same on the SOG with the two cr123 batteries?
Eh? What flashlight are you referring to?
SOG Dark Energy 247A
Maybe I should have used a quote. The SOG bit is pretty clear from your thread title. I was asking about the T20.
Oops my fault its the Unique fire T20 zoomie
I can’t find driver pictures. Show me a clear picture of the top of the driver and I’ll tell you what I can.