SolarStorm/Fandyfire SP03 - Thanks for the dimensions and photos

I am just wanting to see the business end of the driver. I find a ton of photos of the contact side, but I would like to see the component side and if anyone can tell me the ID and depth of the driver pocket?

Photos would be great if anyone has any.


Here you have.
Size of the pocket driver: 46mm x 15mm.
I could not get out the switch to push the driver out from the inside, so had to drill a litlle hole on one side and pull it.
Was lucky and the driver is still working. On xtar 18700 2600mAh: 0.24A, 1.02A, 2.05A.
All leds have their own channels with their own sense resistors. After bypassing: 0.46A, 2.14A, 4.12A.
By the way, all measurements to the led.
Have to finish still the mod with noctygon, copper braid for all the springs and four INR18650-20R.
Do you think is there enyway to push a little bit more the amps with this driver?

Thanks A380. You did a really nice job getting that driver out for OL. :beer:

Well, not quite true.
I did this yesterday but saw his post just some minutes ago.

We’ll keep this between us and no one else will know. SHHHH. OL will really appreciate the effort you put in for him. May I ask why you pulled your driver out before OL asked?

This is my first multiled “thrower” and I want to push it harder than stock.
Finally seems it is not necessary, but wanted to replace the driver by a master-slave OL style one.

Thanks for the photos.

Since you jumped the resistors, that's about all you are going to get and really for an XM-L, that's about all you want. De-dome them and it will throw a little more, but overall lumens will drop. Even at 4 amps I definitely would want to be using copper stars. Any higher than 4 amps and I would want to replace the led shelf with copper too. Higher amps would probably need a linear driver for each led. You will reach a point where returns are diminishing. Battery sag and heat will affect higher amps.

Is that switch a clicky or a momentary?

Yes, I’m going to dedome the leds, but want to reflow them before on copper that I’m waiting.
The switch is momentary.