SOLD: 18650 flooders

BOTH SOLD Thank you for looking.

For sale to the lower 48 US, two floody 18650 lights in like-new condition.
Asking $65 for the Zebralight, $35 for the D4V2, shipped w/o batteries USPS.

SOLD On the left, a D4V2 XP-L HI V3 1A, 6500K, Anduril 1. This is an “ALL THE LUMENS” build. Exremely bright, estimated 4000 lumens at turbo startup, but low CRI and high color temp. The body is slightly bluer than pictured.

SOLD On the right, a Zebralight SC600Fc Mk IV Plus. Rated at 4000K but in my opinion slightly lower than that. Very warm, smooth, extremely floody. Really a gorgeous beam if you want flood.

I would like the D4V2.

D4V2 sold pending funds. Zebra still available.

I’ll take the zebra

Well that was fast. Zebra also sold pending funds. Thanks for looking!

I didnt even want a new ZL, but I dont have a IV+fc……

I know I’ve already sold the thing, but trust me you will like it :slight_smile: I have never seen a smoother beam and it’s more like 3500K in my opinion. I didn’t want to sell it except I’m buying a little more throw these days and I have TOO DAMN MANY FLASHLIGHTS!

Anyway, thanks again and enjoy!

Light received.

Thanks jagerLion!!

Got my light, thanks!