Here's a 2AA LED Maglite that I gutted and modified to hold an XM-L T6 3C and used the stock reflector with it. I stippled the reflector, because of the rings and artifacts that were there stock.
Here's a couple photos of the changes.
The black light is the one being sold. I am just showing the OAL of the LED version versus the Incan (red).
Of course, the reason for the longer head and light, is due to the longer LED reflector. I thought I would see if I cound have a larger heat sink with the LED style and I did manage to get a little more out of it, but not enough to mess with the LED lights. If I did a TIR optic, I could get a much longer heat sink in there.
Here's the heat sink I did make for this light. About twice as thick as the Incan ones I do.
Here's the stippled reflector with the XM-L in there.
It may be getting tedious to you but I experience the highest levels of desire when I see your custom file work, Justin. I resist buying because that desire mutates into a need to mod . I’ve always been like that. Seeing makes me want “to do” even if I can’t do as well. Your file work sets you apart from all the rest.
I try not to do file work on the AA/AAA Maglites any more, because of the changes in the aluminum tubing. It isn't any fun trying to do file work on them any more. They have cheapened their lights (all of them as of the last ones I am using) and it's now a Pita to try to do any file work. The aluminum is now as cheap as all the Chinese lights and everything I try to file comes out mushy and with no clean lines.
It had to happen, Maglite is floundering, just like every American business. They can't compete without raising prices more and the old man is getting to old to fight it, so the corporate number crunchers are at it. Steps cut out, detail work not done, lousy anodizing, cheap materials. I've seen it too many times. I know where it's all going and it won't be pretty at ll. I imagine within a year, I won't want to use Maglite hosts any more, as I will be ashamed of the lack of quality.