[SOLD] A Few Antiquities From the Vault

Not sure iffn I should clear this with any Historical Flashlight Society beforehand? I have carried these, used these, and in their time revered these.
They were Mini Top Guns in their time, butt they and I moved on. I find it hard to price them as their value is not in their performance, rather their significance to the genre.
I have gotten my value from them in their use. I just want to pass them on to someone who appreciates them.
After a bunch of folderol, I offer 3 old troopers.

Fenix LD01 SS Special Edition. It is used and was carried on a keychain for a couple years. It functions perfectly.

4Sevens Preon Revo SS I had it on my keychain until the Ultratac K18 pushed it off. It’s still a small power unit.

Shipping to USA only and Paypal only accepted.

as far as I’m concerned, $25 each shipped is minimum,today.

How much for the Felix and 4Stevens together shipped?


Will take both.

I will wait for offers until 6PM PDT. :money_mouth_face:

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better resolution pictures were requested, best that I can do…wife is the photographer in the family.


Not exactly a bidding war going on here.
Oh well time will tell iffn they are winners.

Hum, if the title changes (despite I like it that way) maybe it will attract more people, maybe those that can be interested on these (beautiful) lights :wink:
Just a suggestion, though :+1:

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