SOLD- BTU Shocker, mint

Mint BTU Shocker in box. Briefly tested otherwise item is as new.

Asking $110.00 $100.00 plus $10.00 for shipping.
US only. Payment via Paypal.

You might consider posting some pictures. It would help your sales.

Pics plz.

Definitely want this.

Message sent.

He must have sold it.. didn't reply to me

Seller hasn’t logged in for the past few days. I don’t think he’s seen your post yet.

Yea, I pm'd him also. Would love to buy it for that price! Sold!

Probably a fire sale that went in a different direction..

However I'm sure that several people pm'd him before me to buy it..

This is one of those, buy it no matter what the consequences or repercussions are for doing so.

WTB: BTU Shocker!

I tried too. Must be gone already.

So this guy shows up with no reputation here that I'm aware of and gets angry for me wanting him to send the light to me first then pay him. He says, "oh your protected by PayPal if its a scam." I don't want to have to go through all that garbage to make sure I get what I paid for. If your new here, my rule is, send me the goods and I will pay you if the deal is on the level. If someone else wants to take a chance, thats their business, not mine. I have been burned in exact circumstances like this before for trusting a "newbie slash scam artist dirtbag." You earn your respect here. It does not come freely in my book.

Anyway, I hope that the person who bought it gets what they paid for!

Really? You’re kidding aren’t you? What kind of fool would send a total stranger a $100.00 light on a promise to pay? That’s scammer 101 pal. A big red flag.

The only one acting like a shady dirtbag in this is you. You repeatedly tried to entice me to send you the light without paying for it. Then you have the audacity to publicly accuse me? Wow!

Perhaps you should educate yourself on eCommerce, credit cards Paypal, and the protections given by those entities.Or next time you order something online you can have them send it to you with a promise to pay later, I’m sure that’s going to work for you. Also no real reason to make this stupidity public.

Welcome to BLF.. What a hot head! LOL!

I enticed you into nothing, liar. I offered to buy your light. You send me the light, I pay for it. Simple as that, don't you dare try to make it seem like anything more than that! SB would surely have the ability to see the transcript of our discussion! Furthermore, I don't need any training in e-commerce, its called common sense, people are constantly getting ripped off by scams like this. Maybe you should google, "common internet scams". There is absolutely no reason for your attitude here! If you do not like the rules I set for you being a newbie here at this forum, not yet having any posts or references, simply decline my offer. No reason to GO POSTAL on an established member here, it does not look good for you.

I sure as hell ain't going to send a hundered bucks to someone with 1 post and no reference. I don't know him, maybe someone else did.

Sheesh.. I've had 3 good transactions here with NICE people. I was going to offer him 120 for it because I could not find one anywhere else.

Who bought this light? Just curious.

buy the host and mod it your self ?

I purchased the light. Shipping was very fast and it arrived today. The light is in pristine condition and works as advertised. This is truly a beast of a light. Heavy, yes. Will I keep it, I do not know yet. I can tell anyone who is looking for one that it is a tank though. I may keep it and have it modified. This would be a ridiculous thrower with a single LED.

Anyway, buy with confidence from this seller. Could not have asked for a more smooth transaction.


Lol, too funny. I’m right with you there…I would never send someone something that I have not yet received payment for. Everyone has their own way of doing things though :wink:

Good thing!

Congrats on the excellent deal. Early bird catches the worm, flashlight. I bet he'll miss it. Damn those fire sales!

Personally, if I had those doubt’s, I wouldn’t have even sent a pm. The wariness works both ways and even if someone vouched for an established member, at the end of the day, everyone is a stranger to a new member.

Textbook example of free market efficiency and risk-return tradeoff.