I have 20pc of this driver to sell. I purchased these a while back and the first batch was great. The newest batch does not perform as well. The voltage range is good, but you must have significant overhead voltage to get any amperage out of them. Changing the sense resistor does not help. You will get more amps with the resistor changed though.
There for the price is SOLD
About 3.7 extra volts. I just changed that thing about the amperage. You can get higher amps if you put enough voltage. With the resistor changed you can go up to about 3.8A.
I bought 7 pcs from vestureofblood especialy from 1405 modding, and after adding aditional resistor over the default driver resistor i got 5 amps/ 360k mcds( U2 1A emitter) at the emitter at max mode( middle 350ma, low 29ma)
Great price indeed, and a very good option for 1405 or every torch that needs high amps, 2 battery and a 17mm driver