For sale is a Small Sun ZY-T08 it has a De-domed XM-L2 U2 emitter and it’s driven by the original Trustfire 3XT6 driver. It has been modified so the batteries are serial so it’s 8.4volts The reflector also has the flat bottom part taken out so that it focuses correctly with the de-domed emitter. From my non-calibrated light meter I am showing 230kcd. The emitter is epoxied down with Wakefield Deltabond for a great thermal pathway and it’s running perfectly. It’s a beast. With the de-domed emitter it has a nice neutral tint and lots of lumens so there is still a great spill.
$50 free shipping to the US actual shipping costs to anyone else. I do take paypal or check and I’ll ship it out the next day after payment.
This is my favorite light to mod and the 6th one that I have done now so I have it down.
It’s already shipped too! Might be an all time record from posted for sale to sent.
These are great lights my favorite smaller light for sure. Modded up right they are really hard to beat. I have a couple more on the way. One will get done the same as this one and the other with an XP-G2. I have done two of them with MT-G2’s and another one with an aspheric lens and a couple other’s like the one I just sold. It’s a bit extra work doing the carrier mod and having to also drill out the reflector but it’s worth the extra work for sure.
Thanks, and I agree it’s probably the best budget thrower around even stock it’s a great light and modded correctly it’s really hard to beat unless you either get a much larger host like the X7 (another favorite but twice as expensive) or spend three or four times as much and have it modded.
This one shouldn’t matter too much what cells are used because it’s acting as a buck driver to reduce the current down. But I’m not sure because other people have said it puts out more than the 4.8 amps that it states. The numbers on output say it is more. I don’t have any way of testing to check the actual amps. Of course I also put 20 gauge wire and mod the tailcap springs.
The nice thing about this driver is that it’s really tough and because it’s set up to drive 3 emitters with 2 or 3 batteries it’s not being overworked at all in this light. Also with the nice sized pill and great thermal path it’s not going to stress anything and can be run on high for as long as you like, unlike some mods that should really only be run for a few minutes on high.
A few guys have modded this driver to put even more amps but as far as I know they all end up killing emitters when they do, at least that is what has been reported to me. I think this is about maxed out for what this light can do and still get a light that can be safely run for extended times.
I have usually seen 4,3-4,5A mentioned on the forum from several people who have measured several of these drivers. I measured around 4,3-4,4A on mine. Resistance mods will not improve emitter current since its regulated.
It is true that modding the driver to 6-7A is not a healthy thing for a single LED since this driver seems to kill emitters at those currents. But the LIGHT can handle it. And an XM-l2 can handle it with the right driver.
If you want a safer setup, use two cells in parallel and a modified Qlite or something. It will still do 5A+ peak with decent cells. 4A+ for a good amount of time, but with low voltage protection, more mode options, better efficiency on high, etc..
When that is said. For 50$ shipped within the US, its a very nice thrower for the money. Im sure the owner will be very happy with it! Its a nice mod. :)
You just saved me unknown amounts of money by selling me this flashlight.
Why, you may ask?
Because I am officially done buying any more C8’s or lights the same size form factor, etc. of this and any future incarnation of the beloved HD2010.
This Modded ZY-T08 smokes anything I own, anything I could build and anything else that I can not afford to buy:)
It’s fairly light out this evening as we have good snow cover, lots of city light pollution, the moon, etc.
I took my better of the 2 other ZY-T08’s outside to compare, and there is no comparison.
I am able to light up my neighbors barn over a half mile away with ease.
And the tint is nice to boot.
The batteries I stuck in were at about 4.04 volts as well, so I know she has more to give me.
Thanks so much for the rockin’ deal.
Buying modded flashlights is like buying already restored cars, someone else took the hit on the upfront cost.
I had one I built almost just like this one, except with the dome on. XM-L2 1C on 20mm Noctigon, silicone wire, AR lens, pulling around 5.5A with a built qlite with two 20Rs or PFs. Went for a walk at night with my friend, and out of all of my lights (including a then stock BTU shocker, modded XinTD, etc.) he said that THIS was the light he needed to have! He bought it from me the next day. It really is just right IMO, especially since it fits two 18650s.