I have a mtg2 p60 for sale built by vinh.
More details and beamshots can be seen here: http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?374865-WTS-Brightest-Regulated-M2500-P60-LED-%28Beam-Shots%29
This is a Dome-on 4 mode (moon, low, medium, high) with memory. This is the qlite driver with a zener mod to accept up to 8.4 volts. Moonlight mode only seems to work when the light is "cold" (a well known issue of the qlite drivers). Modes can easily be changed by adding solder on one of the stars.
This light will run for about 5 minutes on 2x fresh 18350 imr before getting to hot to hold. (Drop in has copper tape to aid in heatsinking)
I paid about $100 shipped for this puppy. It has seen minimal runtime (maybe 10 minutes).
Package and pricing options:
option 1 - MTG2 drop in only - $79
option 2 - drop in + 2x AW 18350 imr (with 3 cycles) - $89
option 3 dropin + batteries + a solarforce L2T with mcclicky, UCL, and SS bezel - $103
Prices are for USA shipping with tracking - international please send me a PM. My paypal is jmpaul320(at)gmail.com
First "Ill take it" posted here followed by a prompt paypal payment and a PM with your address gets 1st dibs, regardless of any PMs/offers in progress :)
Some quick cell phone photos