Up for sale is my shelf queen pride and joy. The most ridiculous light I’ve ever owned and held.
This is the newest model TK75 that has been modded by Vinh.
As well as replacing the 4 XML2’s with XHP70’s, it also has his own customisable driver, internal cooling pads and copper, battery carrier mods, DHT bezel and of course his own V54 engraving.
Basically the best TK75 you can own with every mod option ticked. 15,000 lumens of ridiculousness.
Anyway, if a picture is worth 1000 words, is a video worth 1000 pictures? This is Vinh’s video telling you about this awesome light:
This light I own is in BNIB condition, absolutely perfect, I will take a couple of photo’s in the next few days, but until then here’s a few more Youtube video’s I found of it in action:
I realise this is BLF, and this isn’t exactly B, however I thought I’d put this light up for grabs here before it goes on CPF…because I don’t like CPF…
Surprisingly getting a fair bit of interest in this light, so here’s the photo’s I promised:
Anything that looks like a chip to the anno is just dust, batteries not included.
I love my Fenix TK75, it’s light and well balanced,and can be had with mulptiple extension for longer run time, modified with HXP 70 by Vinh it’s just an awesome bonus, too bad the price is out of my range what normally I would pay for a flashlight.
GL with the sale, I’m pretty sure it’s a bargain for some people.
ps:if I can do it all over again, I’ll definitely get only this light and get over with the addiction
Thanks mate! It’s quite the bargain if you’re looking for this light as Vinh sells it for $420 not inc shipping without the nice extras.
You’d expect it to be all flood with those huge emitters, but with the deeper reflectors and the sheer amount of light coming out of it, it throws VERY well, it’ll surprise you for sure.
Is this still for sale? The battery carriers are the latest upgraded specs? Any idea on shipping costs to the US? Also curious if you have the build date and order specs on it. It looks like a great light.