Some of my work. Come look, eye candy is free!

Hi everyone,

For those of you who still dont know me I have been a member of BLF for a month now, and am also an active member on the other flashlight forum.

When I came and introduced a few weeks ago some members were asking to see some of my lights, so I am starting this thread.

Most of my lights are more top end customs like Maglite and Surefire mods. I have done a few of the smaller and lower cost lights in the past when XM-Ls and other quality emitters were not yet available in them.

Any way off we go….

When XPGs were first released I built this light for a friend in Malaysia.

The best thing about this one was the beam. It was as soft as silk, long reaching and almost as wide as it was long.

Here’s a shot of a Dereelight DBS

Now 10 XPG Mag

Even this shot does not really do justice to how wide of a range this thing had.

Here is some of my more recent craft. Shorty 25560 Maglites.

I modded this guy to an XM-L

Here is something that is probly a more familiar flavor around BLF. Its an Ultrafire C8 that I modded. The emitter is an XR-E, probly ez900. Bumped the driver up to a 1.4A and put an aspherical in it. Made a great pocket thrower.

I think this gives a good idea of what I do. I dont have a lot to offer in the way of “budget” lights ( Yet). I have something in mind that hopefully in the next few weeks I should have ready to show off that I hope will feel like a peace of home to everyone here who appreciates a good value.

EDIT: 10/31

Here is a little something I have been working on recently I wanted to add.


Thanks everyone.

and is very user friendly. Try it, you’ll like it.

edit because OP got the pictures in now

Nice build. :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing…good stuff!


Very nice. Your 10 XP-G light looks like a work of patience.

Thanks everyone for all your help. I got the hang now. That re-size option right on the forum is helpful too.

Do you have a link to the Radioshack switches you mentioned on CPF? I can't seem to find them.

very cool lights, i love that 10 xpg!

Nice builds you have been doing VOB. That 10x XP-G looks sweet. I wonder what optics have you used for it.

Very nice work, Vesture! Did you fin the mag heads using a thin parting tool? I like that look.


Very nice work, blood.

And, I for one wouldn't mind seeing some of your pricier creations. If Foy won the lottery, he wouldn't hesitate to post pics of his new Spys on this budget forum.


Really nice work, love the shorty Mags. Thanks for posting and glad to have you at BLF.

Really nice work, love the shorty Mags. Thanks for posting and glad to have you at BLF.

Awesome work. thanks for sharing .I too would’nt mind
seeing your better stuff.Welcome to BLF.

Thank you all so very much for your kind words. What a warm place this forum is.


You are correct, that 10x took many hours. Each optic had to be cut to allow the wires for each individual LED to have its own set of wires. The entire thing is wired in a 2S 5P config in a 2D mag.


PM sent with the link.


The optics on that 10Xpg are the Lisa2 by Ledil They are some of the best I have ever used. IIRC there is a version without the clips and I think they are easier to use, I think the clips didnt fit all that well.


Yes the fins are done with a part off blade.

That's some nice work you've done there! I'm surprised no one else here has made an aspheric C8 yet. Seems like a natural.

Post up that switch link you sent to Scaru. Others might find it useful, too. We encourage posting links here at BLF, unlike CPF, to any vendors or other forums. ;)

Speaking of which, welcome to BLF!

Wow, I wish you were my neighbor! :wink: