Here’s Clive demonstrating what can be done with spare toilet rolls
What’s Taco Bell?
Lol , I just duck duck go’d it.
What always amaze me about Big Clive is how he can do the craziest things while still speaking with a perfect calm and soft voice, one of my favorites beeing the "Oh ... my bench is on fire ... one moment please"
Btw i discovered that he was the "joule thief" Clive guy only after using one on my OL 2019 challenge light.
I will definitely watch later (it is 18 minutes long) (please I hope there is no haggis in it) I don’t know what French rations are like today but 35 years ago they were the best, canned cheese, canned pate, a full pack of cigarettes (Gauloises), a tiny bottle of brandy, and whatever the rest was.
I still think the french ones are the best as well you still get pate, i have one in front of me right now:
Although the brit MRE are still pretty decent in my opinion. you dont get cigarettes these days though ;-(
No more cigarettes and no more brandy or wine but still pretty ok (as long as you avoid the canned cheese ;)) but heavy
Google translate on the french wiki link
There is a lighter version unofficially named "commando ration" with freeze dried food and, afair, protein bars.