Sorry, it was Not Funny, just weird

Edit: Showed my post to a friend and she did not think it was funny at all, so… I edited it out.
I thought it was funny odd I guess, sure hope no one was offended, I will keep my humor to myself from now on, promise.!

Internet humor and sarcasm, etc. is difficult, typing something and then having it looked at by a 1000 completely diverse and different strangers who don’t know you, is sure different from being in a room socially, with people who can see your face and eyes and expressions, and hear the the tone and emphasis in your voice and your body language.

Dang, I missed it.

A lot of people don’t get my sense of humour even in person. :cowboy_hat_face:

Nice host for LED swap :wink:

:laughing: Well I did think it was funny until a friend told me it wasn’t, so I just wanted to spare anyone who might somehow be offended and that I could see happening not to mention breaking my rude meter and oh boy do I agree with the comments, I’ll think somethings funny and everyone else won’t, kind of like what’s the first thing many people do when they see someone get hurt, most the time?
They Laugh… now that’s odd, I don’t laugh but everyone else is, then saying “Oh wow, that must have hurt”.
This was just a special flashlight sort of thing for Sheep Dogs, and not for the Sheep Dog to use, but my question was why just a Sheep Dog and well Never Mind… Geez I am weird.

Edit: Nah, No Fleshlight joke, that’s would really be asking for it… ha ha ha

Where have all of the xp-g3’s gone?

Now that’s funny…

Sounds like this crowd has an enlightened sense of humor…no pun intended LOL

Is what i thought too. :partying_face:

I thought it was funny and / but weird, but i didn’t know what to reply and there’s no like-button, so…

Maybe I should just ask BG for an explanation, why on earth is it a Sheep dog artificial insemination device, sheep dogs don’t do sheep, do they?
Hum maybe when know ones looking perhaps, so why would you want to have a light, which they say is essential,

I’d get new friends :wink:
Why did it become suddenly Un funny when your friend said it wasn’t funny ?
We all find different things funny, what appeals to one may not appeal to others, that’s just the way it is.

Far to much political correctness and to many people worried about what others may think,may take offence, is really starting to ruin comedy and humour.

Anyway I’d post it with NSW or a warning in the title, if people are offended they can move to the next thread.

Seems like many were curious to what it was you posted :slight_smile:

Life is just a chit till you laugh at it-
(Wisdom from Monty Python :stuck_out_tongue: )

I may not understand all humor but I’m going to look for it everywhere I can because life gives too much sadness and I’m out to create a better balance of that :smiley:


Lol, perhaps you should buy the device and then get your hands on a sheep and a dog and see what happens. DON’T post pics though! :confounded:

Hey, we’re flashlight geeks for crying out loud.

Pretty hard to ‘out-weird’ that! :smiley:

Ha Ha Ha… I broke my promise to keep my humor to myself, already… Nope can’t out weird that… :laughing:

I have it on good authority that Sheep tell lies :open_mouth:


I’m sure there were a few pics of sheep and a goat here earlier, I am not imagining that am I?

I thought it was the sheep that believed the lies, and the wolf tells the lies!

As Aussies I think we have a laid back culture. Add into that my mum’s side of family is Italian and most Italians like having a laugh. So I know all about my sense of humour getting me in trouble. Its all fun and games until I go to far and get knocked out.

Amen to that, I had an Aussie friend for many years and our sense of humor was identical, a bit on the warped side I suppose, but sure was good times.

It’s the punch line of a somewhat well-known joke which unfortunately isn’t suitable for publication here :blush:
