Source for momentary on switches?

I’m looking for momentary on switches that are about the same shape and size of the smaller switches like these:

I haven’t found any but have bought other types of momentary on switches from here and there, but they have all turned out to be a waste of money (not much though). Where can I get simple momentary on switches that are similar in appearance to the linked ones above? The only ones I can find are either forward or reverse clicky, not what I’m looking for here.

I'm sure there are a few posts here somewhere about converting forward switches to momentary but cant find it. Its not hard to do if you can get the switch apart.

Without knowing the dimensions of yours, it’s really hard to tell.

Maybe these on eBay would fit?

Switch Dimension (Approx.) 14 x 12 x 8mm / 0.6” x 0.5” x 0.3” (L*W*H)

Or maybe these could be adapted?

One thing’s for certain, finding anything other than “Reverse Clicky” switches for flashlights can be a bee-yatch!

But I’m just…


So conversion is the way to go? I would’ve thought that momentary would be available. I’ll give it a go, thanks for the tip.

Those small white ones look nice. I’ll order a few, they could work. Thanks!