Just noticed it while playing around with it today. Seems to have burned out and doesn’t work on any mode. The other two emitters are burning bright. I noticed it didn’t seem as bright, but initially dismissed it. It hasn’t been used hardly at all.
So that leaves getting it fixed/modded. Anyone experimented with this light and willing to give me a bid on the project?
I have taken this light apart and it’s a bear. I had one heck of a time getting the driver out and ripped the switch out doing it but did get it apart. Mine was not glued down all the way. If it had been, and your’s could be, then the driver will be destroyed. If not then I can mod the driver and get you higher output as well by doing sense resistor mods. It actually comes with a terminator driver in it. If you can’t get the driver out then you are left with buying a SRK driver from wallbuys. That will still give you a little more power than what you have now. There is no way to get to the emitters without getting the driver out.
I ended up killing my driver when I did one too many mods to it. At least now I know when to stop. I actually just bought a driver from wallbuys and three other SRK’s so that I can find one with the best driver to swap into mine. Some can be pumped up to direct drive pretty easy. With the SRK drivers you will not have a light on the handle anymore though. The switch will still work but not the light.
It’s a beast of a job and I could do it for you, but quoting a price would be really hard considering that I don’t know if I can get the driver out in one piece or not. I you really want it done I’ll do it and I would suggest you have me upgrade it while I’m at it and put those emitters onto noctigons and de-dome them too. That way you will double your throw and add around 500 lumens or so after I mod the driver.
Shipping is also going to be a lot so keep that in mind. But even if it costs you $60 including shipping at least you will end up with a light that is better than new. Better than a stock TK75 even.
Ask around and see if anyone else is willing and if not shoot me a PM if you are interested.
Im getting one soon. I might be tempted to play around with the stock driver, but Ill probably end up stripping the driver and putting in some powerful DrJones awesomeness.
I could work on it. I would end up making it 3 in parallel for the leds and using NANJG drivers master/slave if that's the kind of thing you want. I would have to order leds and drivers, as I am about out of everything right now. Price? say three leds on copper stars and three drivers, depending on where I can get them, $35-$45 and my labor, wire, solder, you know the routine, probably another $35-$45, so from $70 to 90 and you pay the shipping. 18sixfifty at least has experience with one. I have never opened one up, but it's probably about the same as an srk with big reflectors, I imagine. PM me if you want.