I have as well. I’m hoping Acebeam will spam PM me asking me if I want to do a review of the X70.
Generally it doesn’t bother me, except the lights are often boring.
Please send me a PM when this happens. It’s prohibited, and will result in an immediate ban of the account, as explained in the rules for commercial sellers: http://budgetlightforum.com/forum/misc/commercial
The only exception is that occasionally a company contacts me first requesting reviewers of free samples. In that case I usually give them permission to contact a few reviewers of their choice. But to simply offer a new product without the user having requested a PM notification is completely prohibited.
It happened to me some time ago. But the member was banned later that week! I didn’t know how to react back then, but then I noticed these specific rules! Thanks sb :+1:
I get requests to do reviews. The problem is, I don’t do reviews, and never will because I wouldn’t be very good at it. I don’t like making a fool out of myself.
Thanks for letting me know. What they did in this case was offer free review samples to a lot of users. It’s not technically spam, but it definitely could be interpreted as such. I sent the vendor a message warning them to not send large quantities of review offers in the future.
Considering I’ve yet to make a review here, never posted a picture of a single flashlight I own yet, it seemed spam-like to me. There isn’t a single light said company makes that I’d want to own.
On Amazon I don’t do all 5-star ratings, as I am brutally honest with any reviews I make there. Well…there is one I made for a certain name brand spray expanding foam that I was extremely sarcastic on though.
Anyway, I will post pics of my flashlights once this semester is over, and I finish several I have in progress…just FYI.