Special thanks to China flashlight sellers/manufacturers

Wasn’t really intended but the Cometa flashlight did me in with Chinese flashlights for the most part. There are still a few I will be buying including the DBSAR lantern, The Miller Q8, and the zpinch light bar(Canadian). Looked over some old credit card statements and figured I averaged around $350 a month in flashlight purchases, over $4000 per year. The Cometa was the last flashlight I purchased, think that was 2 or 3 months ago. Tired of all the BS with China lights. Thanks China seller/manufacturers for saving me all this money. We’ll see how long I can resist but this time it seems like it will be permanent, the thrill is gone.

Big throwers from premium manufacturers are still in.

Wow , You spend a bunch of $ on flashlights ! Since you say no more China flashlights for you ,
out of curiosity which big throwers and other premium manufacturers are you referring to ?

I encourage your resolve!! :+1: Do it! Swear em off for good. I’ve tried a dozen’s of times but have not to date been successful for any longer than a month… :person_facepalming:

no more China?

I am in!

Usually buy multiples of the same light. Olight, Jetbeam, Eagletac, Acebeam, Fenix, Nitecore are some of the manufacturers I talking about. No light in mind at the moment, Acebeam K70 was the last one I bought.

Sure, just like I swore off American cars 30 years ago. It worked for me, I never bought another American car after the disaster called Ford Fairmont.

Tried to stop before but this time I’m done. Thought I was done just after I received the Cometa but waited a few months to announce just to make sure I would stop. Kind of like a bad habit, once you’ve had enough your done.

I’m still trying to figure out what makes flashlights so appealing and addicting

OK , now I understand. Thanks for your reply.

I pick and choose my torches, with no regrets (all made in China)...

Choose wisely-


Same here. It takes a while for me to pull the trigger on buying one, no matter how small. The Cometa was my biggest impulse buy, but luckily, it worked out for me. I still use it and have had no problems after the small mods. Those big name companies are usually a safe bet, but still not perfect.

I had one. Unfortunately it proved my previous vehicle (a former usps chevette) to be a much better vehicle - and a lot more fun (even with the rusted out floor). I lived on a street that was made of bricks and after a rain I’d test my shift speed shifting (manual transmission) through all four gears between stop signs. :smiling_imp:

My POS’s engine stalled on me going down hill one time. I lost (power) steering and (power) brakes and blew through 6 or 7 stop signs. Miraculously, I didn’t hit anyone or anything.

I did make money off of it. Bought it for $600, sold it for $750.

A few tears ago, approximately 2011 I bought an EagleTac G Series for over $100 + Tax and Shipping. A close inspection revealed numerous bubbles on the reflector-

I opted for refund instead of an exchange, but it shows that even the 'premium' lights can have issues too.

If I opted for an exchange instead of a refund, I probably would have been shipped a perfect replacement light.

Would I recommend EagleTac for a premium Chinese Light available in the USA, definitely YES.

But I found my niche, budget lights begging to be modded and budget stock lights perfect out-of-the-box.

Acebeam K70 and Cometa. Say no more! :stuck_out_tongue:

Goin cold turkey. Best of luck to ya.

Whats your plan? 12 step program, hypnotism, patch, therapist?

I quit the sub $5 ebay lights but that only made it more expensive.

Ain't that the truth. I first got two SK68 clones for $2.50 each and thought flashlights are a cheap fun. Then came the group buys, special editions, different tints for the same light, exotic materials...

My last 2 WF-502B’s were junk. Got them for $2.50ea shipped though, When tightening the drop-in inside the head the thread just popped and could not get them to hold down on the lens. One even had about 2 threads on the tail cap because if it had more it would hit the too long of a screw of the clip.

now some copper & Ti, along with DIY.

Not sure what you mean, the Cometa is a POS but the K70 kicks **s, the best throwing light I own.

Eh? Remember seeing a thread here where folks were cribbing about the various QC issues they were having with the K70. Led me to believe quite a high % of K70 torches were almost lemons.