Hello! We are Spicy 3D Prints and we are new to BLF
We specialize in making durable 3D printed battery holders and diffusers!
Use code BLF10 for 10% off all of our products until February 12th, 2023.
Got a 3-D printer? Our models are available for free on Printables!
Our products are made in USA and typically ship within 24 hours of purchase.
Let us know if you have any questions about our products!
We currently make clear and colored diffusers for the following lights:
Wurkkos TS10, Emisar D4V2, Emisar D4SV2, Emisar D1V2, Emisar D18, Noctigon KR1, Noctigon KR4, Convoy S2+, Convoy T3
We also make battery holders! They are very durable.
Single battery holders: AA/14500, 18350, 18650, 21700
These single battery holders double as a diffuser if you get the adapter.
Wurkkos TS10 connected to a 14500 battery holder. TS10 using normal spicy3d diffuser.
Dual snap battery holders: 18650, 21700, 26650, 26800
A comparison of our snap battery holders
D4SV2 with diffuser and 26650 snap battery holder
I ran over an 18650 snap holder with my truck to test the durability. It survived!
Some frequently asked questions:
Q: Will the diffusers melt?
A: Our diffusers are made from PETG which is more heat resistant than the typical PLA used in 3D printing. I have personally never melted a diffuser even when on full turbo. Thermal step-down usually occurs before the diffuser gets warm. I once made a black diffuser to test heat resistance and I was unable to melt it. All this being said, your light may be different so we take no responsibility for melted diffusers.
Q: Are the battery holders waterproof? Why don’t you add an O-ring?
A: Sealing using an O-ring requires a surface finish that is smoother than we can reliably achieve using FDM 3D printing. We do not want to provide a false sense of confidence in the degree of water resistance to these battery holders, so we did not implement O-rings into the design. Secondly, it would increase the cost and these are already a very low margin product.
Q: Some of your battery holders are made of carbon fiber. Isn’t carbon fiber conductive?
A: We have tested this carbon fiber using a multimeter and it is non-conductive. The fill % of carbon fibers is too low to create a continuous conducting pathway.