Spring is here and flowers are in full bloom! Lot of people taking kids pics in the flowers… just remember folks, try not to stomp em down, leave em for the next family to enjoy!
Snakes love heavy fields of flowers for the mice and bugs they draw, be careful!
And remember too, just because they’re pretty and you want pictures doesn’t change trespassing laws. Be courteous and respectful to help ensure things go smoothly.
I wear a watch that displays the current day of the week, the month, and the day of the month.
If I’m not staring directly at my watch (or an equivalent), I frequently don’t know that information.
With numerous recent rainstorms (“atmospheric river”) this is the greenest and most colorful Spring I’ve seen Southern Cal in last 10-20 years. This area has been mostly brown and grey in the past.
I was in Cali in ‘70, Summer family trip to see my Uncle. My cousin’s husband took me down the Valley in his ‘32 roadster, saw a beautiful strip and a winding road to Malibu beach, a precious memory of one of the most exotic bits of this planet I’ve ever seen.
That rat mobile was impressive too! Spring in the Valley, at least back then, was truly a sight to behold!
This image is 11 20MP Portrait images from a full frame Canon 6D through an 180mm Macro lens. Stitched together the original is 109MP and 68MB in size.