Does anyone know a good USA supplier of light weight springs? Something like the 7135’s and P60’s use? I’m out again and I’m sick of waiting on China!! Any Help Appreciated!!!
Many Thanks. Dan.
Does anyone know a good USA supplier of light weight springs? Something like the 7135’s and P60’s use? I’m out again and I’m sick of waiting on China!! Any Help Appreciated!!!
Many Thanks. Dan.
My favorite source, although, I must admit, I’ve never tried ordering ‘a few’… Worth a try though…
I’ve also bought these for projects…
And any electronics supply (Dig, Mous, Newark, whomever) carries the Keystone stuff…
Part Number 211 for AA, 211-D for C and D size
Thanks Pilot!! I hadn’t thought od DigiKey… I’ll look at all of these. I sure appreciate the help.
No problem. Hope it works out.