SST-20 Compatibility with Carclo Optics?

Recently the Luminus SST-20 is released and it has caught my interest because of it’s output and CRI. I am planning to turn my Convoy S2+ desert tan with a single 319A into a triple. I am considering to use the SST-20. I wonder if SST-20 can fit an unmodified Carclo 105xx optics? Does anyone have any experiences with a SST-20 S2+ triple?

I have not used it with the carclo triple optics, but the dome on the SST20 is small so I would expect it to work fine.

It fits. The SST20 is the same size as the XP-G2

it should fit, i am using one with carlo( not sure model)
using in convoy s2+, fresh lg hg2, triple SST-20 6500k pulls over 14.3A at turbo, really crazy