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If you were to choose between Stainless or Titanium, for a small carry light, which one would you pick?
If you would not want either, then just move along, LOL. The only options are SS or Ti.
I actually love both materials, I’ll just pick whichever is cheaper.
For the aaa I like stainless or Titanium, but for the aa I prefer Titanium. (Muy vote for Ti)
Cheaper, and on something this small the weight is not an issue IMHO.
Titanium (or ALU!).
The lighter the better… AAA flashlights are my keychain EDC’s…
Although once I get my hands on a Nitecore TIP… that might change!
I’m kind of split. Ti is fine for AA but I like my AAA keychain lights in SS or Alu. Nothing is a deal-breaker though.
I like the heft of stainless, and it’s cheaper
Titanium all the way.
At those sizes, where weight is pretty much a non-issue, SS would be my choice.
Cheers David
I reallly like titanium in tiny lights. The ReyLight tool is about perfect. It tailstands, is lightweight and fit the hand well given it’s small size. I do hope that it would be a rear click that can tailstand.
Always budget conscious.
Best regulation possible.
With an AAA-light it depends on the switch. AAA-lights have very fine threads. And Ti is known to be gritty (galling). So if it is a light with a clicky, like the Lumintop Tool, titanium is fine with me. If it is a twisty, like the UF-01, I prefer it to be SS. I have them both. I also have a DQG AAA tiny Ti, that is gritty like hell, and I'm constantly lubing it.
AA-lights are just that much bigger. I don't have a preference for Ti or SS. Though SS is heavier, and will dangle more in your pocket.
How about…… Stalinium?
A titanium light would go great with my titanium knife
It’s decisions like this that take the “B” out of BLF. I voted for Ti. A pole asking what I could probably afford might go the other way.
If it is a clicky: titanium, AA, as lean built as possible (to get the heat to your hand quickly), but better looking and better UI as the Eagletac D25A Ti.
It's just the A01. They thought Stainless might be nice, but I had the thought about Ti, which I see now is not a good idea, so it might be stainless if at all.