Stopped by Walgreens today to pick up a few things before the storm hits

The cashier said “Would you like to buy a flashlight, we only have three left”. I said “No thanks, I got it covered”. :slight_smile:

I would imagine there is a shortage of about almost everything on the eastern half of the country right about now, from food, to lights and generators, to plywood and gasoline. I hope the storm ends up being nothing at all. Better that way than being worse than they predict.

I remember Donna, when I was a kid. Even in Western NY state, it ripped up trees and damaged homes. The winds were up to 85mph. We just weren't prepared for those kinds of winds. Couldn't be, never ever saw winds like that.

I hope everyone has heeded the warnings and bugged out.

We went “people” watching yesturday afternoon to see what item’s were left and who was buying them.Stoppped at Target and found 5 people looking completly helpless in a stripped barren flashlight aisle!Also found no bread or milk and little water.The only batteries they had left were some aa and aaa primarys.The look on the people’s faces in the flashlight aisle was classic!

Yeah, I was at my local ace hardware yesterday chatting with the guys there and there wasn't a single flashlight or AA,AAA,C, or D battery in the whole store. And the gas station was out of gas.

Here in non-coastal South Carolina the slightest mention of snow in a weather forecast will clean local stores of milk, bread, batteries and flashlights.

I too have the flashlight need covered, OK smothered, 8) but after watching video of the big Tsunami in Japan we also have some emergency bags assembled.

I can understand the milk, bread, toilet paper, and batteries, but why flashlights? Shouldn't people have flashlights on hand anyway (even if they are cheap and subpar).


Good point, but likely lost or left loaded with alkaline that have leaked since the last crisis.

Human nature, some will be ready and others will not, some folks save their money while others spend everything and expect to be taken care of in an emergency. :open_mouth:

In Texas, if it is flurrying (the “snow” that melts upon impact with the ground) people clear out stores of items, call in to work and become recluses for a week….

But if the roads totally ice over on the other hand, They drive 75mph on the highway like normal…

I remember a year ago when it iced over real bad here I was on my way to work on the iced over roads and I saw a black Dodge 1500 rolled over on the roof that had collided with a highway sign (the kind that the metal post is bolted into the concrete with no less that 12 bolts) so hard that the sign fell over and crushed the truck… driver door was open and no one was there so I hope they were okay…

Same reason why shovels sell out just before a snowstorm!

I live in Fort Erie, just across the Canadian Border from Buffalo. I was just at Canadian Tire get some new Japanese LSD batteries. The flashlight shelves were empty except for the most expensive Maglites and the cheapest dollar junk. Everything in the middle was gone. While I was looking for batteries I helped an old lady choose and install 3d’s in her old red maglite. She gave me $5. I tried to refuse but she would take no for an answer. she asked if I had a flashlight. All I said was “I’m good”. The stocking guy could keep the cheap ass alkalines on the shelf fast enough.

I think it’s because underneath, people are expecting the Big One at any time. The really huge natural (or man made) disaster that means the end of our civilization as we know it.

Better grab that extra torch or shovel while you still can!

I think it may be because people are procrastinators and wait until the very last moment to get what they needed to have before they actually need it

In any case, all you guys in the path of the storm are in my thoughts and prayers.

I wish you all well and a safe journey.

May God be with you all.

If you have to run out at the last minute for anything, you’re doing it wrong. I blame it on a lack of imagination.

Yes, but even if you have extra food stored up why not stock up on some at the last minute? It couldn't hurt...

PM incoming.

Still have power on my side of Manhattan , but the power will prob be cut in Battery Park.

Wow! A park where all the batteries can come out and play! What will those New Yorkers think of next, parks for dogs?


Just wondering…how about the 123 batteries??? Were any of those available?

If so, may be the way to go for a lot of people next time.